Friday, December 5, 2008

Hospital Pre-Op

I went to my pre-op appointment. I had no idea what to expect but it wasn't bad. I had to go to the registration area and meet with a lady who gave me paperwork about my rights, what to expect in terms of what the bill looks like (like literally looks like, a photo of an example), a booklet with a lot of topics such as T.V, Housekeeping, Espresso Cart (I wish!! but no), ah what else...meal hours, things like that. I was given my advanced directive to fill out. That was pretty much it.

I was sent upstairs to another floor to wait in the pre-op room to meet with the pre-op nurse. She seemed a little busy, even though there was only one other person ahead of me. I thought she might be a little intense, you know? Just a job, no personality. However, once I got into the room with her she was really nice, asked me if I was excited, I gave my normal answer which is basically yes and no, that I'm trying to take it very seriously (you know, not get my hopes way up and spaz out about it, I'm not sure why, I think this is a protective measure, like a defense barrier in my head) and she said yes, but am I excited about losing weight and I said big time.

She asked me a lot of questions. Family history, drug use, do I drink, smoke, etc. She said I was pretty easy because all my answers were no.

I was given a list of things not to do. Do not drink after midnight on Sunday, not even water Leave all jewelry at home. Wear clean, comfy clothes. Showing the morning of surgery because (other than the obvious) it helps the skin heal and increases comfort level. I am also to leave my bag in the car for the first day because I wont get assigned a room until the next day.

About the op - I'll get a breathing tube, so my throat will be scratchy or sore possibly. Ill be woken up by the staff. Ill have a pain button. If the pain does not go away then I need to let them know.

Really that was all. Paperwork, some side notes.

I think Ill make one more post before I go in, probably about the liquid diet and such. That should be it.