Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pre-Op #1

A couple days ago I had my pre-op with my surgeon. I had read that sometimes people have to attend a pre-op class, and I was wondering how that would be. However, I arrived to find its just a one-on-one. The $2,995 fee was also due and paid. Some papers had to be signed. Basically one said I so-and-so allow so-and-so and others to perform gastric bypass on me, etc. Also I had to read over the complete list of complications. WOW. I know there are so many, and they vary from person to person. I went down the first page (NOTE: I found it so funny that DEATH wasn't the first risk, it was near the bottom) I was ready to sign, I turned the next page..the list continued! More risks all the way down the page, I turned the next page and it was filled with complications too! The final page was for me to sign, and I did.

I waited a little bit before being called in. Waited in the room for a bit before the Nut. came in.

She asked if I had any questions, I said no, she said I lost another two pounds. There was really nothing to talk about. She did in fact say I would have to drink a tiny bottle of laxative the day before surgery. That's not so bad after I've heard horror stories about people having to drink a jug or more of the stuff.

Also I don't have to go on the two week/one week liquid diet like most people have to. Mine lasts for one day. That's not bad at all. My surgery is at 10am, so I should have to be at the hospital at around 7am. At least the sun will be up and it wont be all scary. She listened to my lungs and such for a minute before showing me again where the cuts will be.

There wasn't really anything to talk about. I didn't have any questions. I've been on forums and reading personal stories/accounts for more than three months now. I feel like I know too much, which may be good later to post about, just the facts of what I learned.

I'll go into surgery around 10am (Ive heard horror stories about waiting a long time so who knows). I don't know what tests I will be getting before that. That day I think she said I wouldn't eat or drink anything. She said my goal for that day will be to walk by later in the afternoon. She said that the next day I'll get something to drink, walk around a bit and if I feel better the next day Ill go home.

She said she would bring my surgeon in to say hi (lmao, just the way she said it was funny). It took about 15-20 minutes for my surgeon to come in, always cheerful and positive. She's really a blast. She said I am very healthy (other than being overweight I suppose) and very young so I should be up and around in no time. She's so nice. She said I am expected to be one of their big success stories and probably one of the people they would ask to attend and speak at a seminar that people attend when they're wondering about WLS. It was nice to hear.

The girls at my surgeon's office are so kind and sweet. It's not faked or forced either, it's so natural. The visit itself was basically over, I checked out, got my post-op visit date and also a sheet to get blood taken which I finished later that same day. I didn't have to fast for that blood test, weird huh!

I need to fix my countdown timer now that I know my surgery "time". Right now I have it set just for midnight of the 8th. So Ill try to get that done now I suppose.

Nothing left to update on, have my next pre-op on the 4th, at the hospital. I register and such there, find out what tests I have to take and all that fun stuff.

1 comment:

deevahgrl said...

Hi there...I found the link to your blog on and thought I'd check it out. I just got my surgery date of December 15 and I'm so happy to hear there's someone else going in close to my date!

I'd like to keep an eye on your blog to see what your thoughts are; I've been having the same anxieties about not getting my hopes too far up, just in case something happens in the next 2 weeks, but I hvae my pre-op meeting with my surgeon next Tuesday.

Best of luck to you in this last week before heading in!